Selasa, 21 Juli 2015

We're BOSS

BOSS - Brotherhood of Science Seven - XII IPA 7 - graduated in 2015

The greatest one

The best one

The perfect one

The classical one

The historical one

'cause we're friends

“I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.” 
― Helen Keller

The chatty - The discerning - The bold - The tender - The sociable - The unexpected - The proud - The perfect - The imaginary - The indulgent - The curious - The lover - The taciturn - The empathy - The fortunate - The comical - The model - The pious - The dauntless - The venturesome -  The droll - The polite - The calm - The peculiar - The passion - The boost - The poetic - The feminine - The boss - The impressive

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